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This new Islamic game is controversial, here's why:

November 15, 2022

Detriot, MI

Muslim video game company, Ackbar, has released a snapshot of their first game. This game is set to be launched January 31st. Attached below is a picture of the gameplay.

The title of their new name is Call of Jihad. CoJ is a Call of Duty/ Fortnite style 1st person shooter. The object of the game is to kill as many infidels as possible (Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, LGBTQ, and dogs). The reward for dying in the game while killing as many nonbelievers is quite nice. The player will be rewarded with 72 virgins in Heaven. There is also another game mode where the user can sell enslaved women and children.

For some reason, a recent controversy has sparked on this upcoming game. Many Christian and Jewish conservatives have said that this game is highly offensive and upsetting. Mohammad Sal-Adim, the head developer for CoJ, has said, "we just took what Allah, and the Quran tells us to do." "If you are offended by our game, you are obviously Islamophobic" stated Sal-Adim.

The game already has 10k plus people that have shown interest and bought the pre-release.

Mashala and may Allah be with you.

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1 Comment

John Seamus
John Seamus
Nov 16, 2022

Wow. Lovely article.

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