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The term "Snowman" is now offensive. Try "Snowpeoples"

November 15, 2022

Albert Lea, MN

The term "Snowman" has been a staple of winter life in the US. But with our changing times, that term is now exclusive and offensive.

As the seasons change, snow becomes part of our daily lives. As children, we all made snowmen. They were a staple part of the winter. But the term "snowman," we now know, is hideously offensive and exclusive. Snow"men" can be men or women. Or non-binary, polygender, or anything else. Snowmen can be whatever they want to be. Do not push your snowmen into this gender binary.

People have now decided on the term "Snowpeople." It is much more inclusive. As we grow any and mature in our society, we develop into a more inclusive society. At the Pigeon, we are committed to inclusivity and gender justice.

Be open to this new terminology!


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2 comentários

Paul Cummings
Paul Cummings
16 de nov. de 2022

It is so sad we have to write about this. It is common sense at its finest.


Na’estse Talluha
Na’estse Talluha
16 de nov. de 2022

Glad rightwing bigots are being more inclusive.

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