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Protestant chapels celebrate new Kwanza service

December 24, 2022

Los Angeles, CA

Protestant chapels around California have made it a goal to incorporate Kwanza into the Christmas Day celebration. California chapels will now put on 3 Kwanza services along with one Christmas service.

Reverend Ktwanye Raphael Hutchinson (he/they) has started this in his Lutheran chapel. Reverend Hutchinson said, “I think we should celebrate Kwanza in these racist times.” “This is the only way to combat the anti-black narrative today.” “Christmas has had enough celebrations, but Kwanza needs more.” These celebrations will feature a yoga session to pray to the son god, authentic Swahili tribal chants, an anti-racist confession discussion, and a African feast. The Reverend has also made custom clothing to fit the Kwanza colors. Only black people are allowed to sit in front of the mass. Whites and anyone else are made to sit in the back or stand in the back. Rev. Hutchinson said, “it is important we give the spotlight to the oppressed.”

These historical services have spread to other chapels around the US.

Happy Kwanza!

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