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New burger joint tests the limits of humans will eat

November 23, 2022

Bloomington, IN: A new burger joint, "Gut Busters," opened today in Bloomington. Steven Rottier, the CEO, says he wants to test the limits of what a human can consume. People are coming from all over to try the new Gut Buster Burger. This burger features around 8 patties, mayo, mustard, ketchup, bacon, secret sauce, American cheddar, pickles, oysters, Doritos, and some other ingredients. Attached below is a picture of the burger.

The Gut Buster has a whopping 3,050 calories. Already 2 people have had heart attacks shortly after consuming one. Gut Busters also has a pizza and mango smoothie, an onion ring smoothie, and cheese and jalapeno smoothie. Their fries are deep fried in lard for maximum punch. They also have a nice pizza selection including marshmallow strawberry pizza, 8 cheese spaghetti pizza, and clam chowder pineapple pizza.

Check out Gut Busters today!

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1 comentário

Old Debbie
Old Debbie
26 de nov. de 2022

As a vegan, I can’t imagine eating this. 😰

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