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Meal ideas for a Joe Biden Christmas

December 1, 2022

Mason City, IL: At the Pigeon, we understand there is record high inflation this year and it is hard to have a “true” Christmas dinner. This of course has nothing to do with Joe Biden. Here are some possible meal ideas for you are your family.

Instead of the classic Christmas Turkey, save 80 dollars and try this meal. Try some lunch meet with veggies. You’ll be amazed on how good this tastes.

Instead of pork and biscuits, try peanut butter bread and pork bites. This is a fantastic combo to have your carbs and proteins.

Instead of mash potatoes and stuffing, save on money by making cottage cheese and spam. This is easy enough to make and definitely worth trying.

Now, time for your vegetables. Instead of asparagus or anything expensive like that, try cheese-on-peas. This is dirt cheap and healthy.

All these dishes are delicious and cheap. We may not be able to have a full Christmas dinner, but we can still eat with all our families. That is what Christmas is about. Thanks to Joe Biden for keeping our country healthy and strong.

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