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I love windmills, you should too

November 25, 2022

Lincoln, NE: All over the US, more windmills are popping up. This is a good thing. I love windmills and you should too.

Windmills are great for a few reasons.

  1. They aren’t a very reliable energy source. They may not be super reliable, but they are clean!

  2. They add to the scenery. What could be prettier than a landscape full of windmills?

  3. They keep the bird populations in check. With windmills, you’ll never worry about birds overpopulating. Birds like Bald Eagles will never overpopulate again.

  4. They aren’t biodegradable. Nothing screams green energy like large pieces of junk in landfills that aren’t biodegradable.

In my property in Nebraska, I have already 3 windmills. I am starting a wind farm. If more people do this, we can save the planet from catastrophic global warming.

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Lesgo Brandon
Lesgo Brandon
Nov 28, 2022

Wind mills are such hoaxes


Old Debbie
Old Debbie
Nov 26, 2022

Oh dear. I don’t like dead birdies.

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