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⭐ Ford Introduces New Truck Model Aimed at Middle Eastern Market

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

November 15, 2022

Dearborn, Michigan: Joseph R. Hinrichs, Vice President of Ford Motor Company and President of Global Operations, said yesterday in a press release that Ford "needs to take the bull by the horns" after Chevrolet announced their plans for the Chevy Muhammad. The Muhammad is an attempt by Chevy to corner the untapped potential of the Middle Eastern terrorist market, which, as several studies have indicated, is a possible one billion dollar market. Ford's attempt to threaten Chevy's control of this market comes in the form of the Ford Mujahideen, a 550 horsepower flatbed truck with a Phalanx CIWS mounted on the rear of the vehicle. Ford hopes to one-up Chevy in terms of speed, maneuverability in combat, and firepower with this vehicle. The vehicle also comes in a Jihad Jerry Edition which adds an additional 10mm of effective armor to the vehicle's cab. In a brief statement to the Pigeon, Hinrichs said that later editions of the vehicle will add more options for weapons. Other variations of the Mujahideen will include a infantry fighting vehicle and a configurable weapons platform. The vehicle will roll out in the Q1 of 2023. Hinrichs also confirmed that orders are already being placed and are expected out be delivered by Q2 of 2023.

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Diego Sãnta Maria
Diego Sãnta Maria
Nov 15, 2022

Ha. Great article.


Nov 15, 2022

Welcome to the team Joseph!


I am so glad there are no islamaphobes in the comments.

Nov 15, 2022
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You can say that again!


Randy's Autoparts
Randy's Autoparts
Nov 15, 2022

Wow! I can't wait to buy my muslim nephew one.

Nov 15, 2022
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Chris Ponchelae
Chris Ponchelae
Nov 15, 2022

I want one!

Diego Sãnta Maria
Diego Sãnta Maria
Nov 15, 2022
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Silly Chris. They are not available yet.

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